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Monday, 26 March 2018

Golden Wave in Thailand 2018

Golden Wave In Thailand 2018
Show date : Saturday 26 May 2018 at 6.00 PM
Venue : Bitec Bangna Hall 106
Ticket Price : 6,000 (standing) / 4,500 (standing) / 3,500 (standing) / 2,500 (standing) and 800 (seating) Baht
Ticket on Sale : Friday 30 March 2018 (10.00 AM onward) at

Seating Plan

Ticket Information (Terms and Condition)

1. The Ticket Buyers have to apply for membership at (Thai Local Time) Required information: First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, E-mail Address, Address. Membership Application is Free of Charge. The Member will acquire username and password for ticket purchase and other membership activities.

2. On-Line Tickets will be sell on via Once enter into the system, the member has to select ticket price, zone and seat number. You may reserve up to 4 seats with the same price and the same zone. (If the member would like to reserve more than seats mention above, he/she may have additional reservation with the same username.)

**The ticket buyers may choose to receive the tickets via EMS where the system will charge the delivery fee of 50 Baht. This service is for person who lives in Thailand only.

3. After the required details are filled completely, the system will provide the reservation code. (Please take note of the code.) The system will inform the Total Payment Value, the Bank Account Details that the member has to transfer the money to, and inform your payment detail on ‘View Order’ menu

*** time frame that the member has to pay for the ticket(s) *** (Within 4 hours)

- if you use Credit Card / Paypal system will redirect to Credit Card system, Service Charge 5%.

The Bank Account that the members have to transfer the money to is Bank: Siam Commercial Bank (Full detail will be shown after booking) The member may transfer the money via ATM, Bank Counter, Internet Banking

- The Total Required Payment contains Double Digits (Satang/x,xxx.xx). Please transfer the money at exact value for accurate purchase details checking.

- After the payment is made please kindly inform date/time of money transferred at (on View Orders menu) within the given time frame; otherwise, it will be considered that the member cancel the reservation. The reservation will be cancelled from the system. The organizer will not be responsible on this cancellation.

- After the member inform the organizer about the payment details. The Ticket Officers will review the payment within 24 hours. The member may check the reservation details again 24 hours after submission of the payment details on the View Order menu. If the purchased tickets are not confirmed on system then, please kindly contact the ticket officers immediately at

4. Please keep the proof of payment i.e. payment slip (**Recommend the member to take photos of the slip to prevent color fading) and Reservation Code in order to collect the ticket(s) and preventing fraud.

5. After the reservation is submitted, the member is not allowed to change any reservation details and cannot cancel the reservation at any case and no refund.

6. Ticket prices do not include issuing plastic cards at 20 baht.

7. For Standing tickets, entrance to the venue are running by queue number. You can check your queuing number in ‘View Order’ page after 7 days when ticket was fully purchased. (Your ticket number will be the same as your queuing number). In case of losing ticket, The Organizer reserves the right to refuse issuing a new ticket in any circumstances.

8. Tickets self pick up will be at Ticket kiosk at Concert venue from 13.00 pm.

For more information, please visit
Facebook :

Source: ATAThailand
10:43 pm / by / 0 Comments

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